
作者:汪瞳 来源:文章屋 2020-10-28 三年级英语作文


I have the same ability. This ability is the ability to repair stationery that I have learned in the process of continuous discovery and hands-on.


Once, I broke my pen. As soon as I came home to do my homework, I remembered that I had broken my pen. My first thought was to tell mom. However, I couldn't help but shut up, thinking that if I said Mom would definitely criticize me, I couldn't do my homework without saying it. After a fierce ideological struggle, I decided to tell my mother. Mother said angrily, "Why are you so careless? How many pens have you broken since school began? " I lowered my head in shame.

晚饭后,妈妈下楼去买钢笔。 在家闲的没事干,所以就把坏了的钢笔拆开仔细观察,终于找到了坏的原因,原来是吸水管掉下来了。于是,我对症下药把笔囊打开,把吸水管放正,这下应该没问题了!我一试可还是写不出来,还弄的双手是脏乎乎的钢笔水,这是怎么回事呢?这可把我急坏了。我再次打开笔囊看了看吸水管没有固定好 。这时,我想出了一好主意,用胶带粘上。一试果然写出字来了。我心里甭提有多高兴了,还有一种成就感呢!不禁地自言自语道:“真是妙手回春也!”

还有一次,老师的订书机坏了。我想展示我的本领的时刻到了。我仔细地找到坏的原因。我先把一个小铁片放在上面卡住,可它不听话地又掉下来了。 我想:这是怎么回事呢?我想出了另外的一个方法用压条扣在上面把小铁片固定住。这样坏掉的废物在我的修理下变成了又能使用的订书机。我高兴的把它交给老师,老师惊奇地看着我对赞不绝口。得到老师的表扬我心里更是美滋滋的。


Students should not easily lose the bad stationery in the future, as long as they pay attention to the observation and find out the cause of the bad, they can repair it automatically and let it continue to serve us. At the same time, we can learn a lot of knowledge and form a good habit of thrift.

上一篇: 龙游小辣椒 下一篇: 食品安全歌谣