
作者:倪江生 来源:文章屋 2020-08-13 二年级英语作文

五月一日 那天,妈妈带我和哥哥来到了儿童乐园。一进门,我们就看到了蹦床。妈妈买了票,我和哥哥在蹦床上又蹦又跳,玩的开心极了!不知不觉,十分钟到了。


We came to the two yuan supermarket. My mother bought a four-wheel drive for my brother and me. Then we drew a prize at the side of the supermarket. We got a microwave oven and a bicycle. Our luck is good. This may day is so interesting!

上一篇: 我喜欢这样的妈妈 下一篇: 彭园快乐游