
作者:谭永宏 来源:文章屋 2020-07-21 二年级英语作文


Time flies, this semester is coming to an end, I think of the little bit of this semester, I think I have harvested a lot of things.


In mathematics, I have learned multiplication, division, mixed operation, direction and route, (East, South, West, north, northeast, northwest, Southeast, southwest) measurement (cm, m m, km, m, DM), recognition angle (acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle). Participated in the grade mathematics knowledge competition and won the second prize, as well as the second prize for the handwritten newspaper.

在英语方面,我也懂得了一些英语单词,像hall(大厅、礼堂)......我还懂得了英语句子,Who is that(那是谁?)......,学会了手抄报的制作。


There is also Chinese. I know the story of stamp perforations. There is a Grape Valley in Xinjiang. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a painter named Dai song. Edison, an American inventor, invented the electric light. He also learned to write compositions and read after reading. My science fiction production won the third prize.


I also made great progress in art. This semester, I took part in the school's interest class. In addition, music, sports and I have made progress. I will carry forward, shortcomings I also correct Oh! This is what I learned this semester.

上一篇: 看牙医 下一篇: 可爱的小兔子